Today the sad realization for millions of people around the world is the brutal fact that
thousands of young innocent men, women and children are dying daily as martyrs in today’s
“War On Terrorism.” This scandalous reality is being played out graphically twenty-four hours
a day on television networks around the world and is sure to leave a long lasting impression of
horror and fear in the hearts and minds of both the young and the old of the world. A multitude
of reasons are officially “spoken of “ by military and governmental officials in their effort to
justify the invasion of Iraq by the American Government - oil, hidden nuclear and chemical
weapons, inept and faulty intelligence, democracy, freedom, liberty, etcetera. These and other
nebulous reasons have nothing to do with America’s unilateral decision to bomb, invade and
occupy Iraq. The rational for this and other recent military interventions was born in post war
1945 when the total victory of the Allied Military Forces in Europe and Asia provided the basis
needed for the birth and establishment of an terrible order of International Political Dominators
who plan to introduce a new order of political, economic and social programs on the world: a
policy of madness that will rob much of the world of its solid moral basis.
They learned the various skills of political deception and fabrication required for the creation of
an unnecessary but nevertheless desired war from their political progenitor’s bitter brew of
propaganda used in the 1930s in order create a believable list of reasons and justifications for
their military carnage in the Second World War.
They do all this with the consent and the approval of their very own citizens by the means of
our modern process of periodic public democratic elections: the dynamics of which they fully
understand and have learned to control. This “popular” vote is often only a prelude to a
complete and “ numerically mandated” dictatorship by the executive branch of a modern
democratic government. The early noble Greek philosophical idea of a Democracy often ends
as soon as the last ballot is counted.
An ever increasing tempo of “State Sponsored Terrorism” is a modern day problem of immense
proportions that has a profound social and cultural effect in every corner of our planet. Recent
years have become a labyrinth of fire and brimstone suffering for those people unlucky enough
to stand in the path of the military fireworks of predatory nations intent on the fulfillment of
their programs of domination in order to establish new political, social, and economic
arrangements for the nations of the world.. It is not important how many innocent people have
to die: who will remember those tens of thousands of unidentified martyrs who must suffer an
early death as a result of these policies four years from now when free and democratic elections
are held once again?
Who are these men who travel to the far ends of the earth to meet in secret rooms and conceive
and execute special and far reaching agendas in concealed documents which in due course will
affect the lives, fortunes and destiny of millions of global citizens their families and their
children? Are the Americans? Are they English or British? Are they Jews? Regardless of what
their passports show and state they are none of the above. They are Internationalists! Their loyalty
and their allegiance is to another concept of a nation state still unannounced and unnamed — but
nevertheless fully developed in their minds
From whom did they received their mandate and their authority to do such things? It is too easy
to say from the results of a free and democratic election. If that is the one and only honorable
way for citizens to select their political leaders it is a flawed system of government. They exist
and operate veiled by the modern day chimere of Liberalism, Democracy, Freedom,
Conservatism, Monarchy, Federalism, International Treaties and Alliances, and Government by
Administrative Decree. The world has now had two hundred years of democratic maleficent rule
by their elected heads of governments and in some cases their heads of state. Surely the average
citizen now knows what is being told to him and what is actually being done regarding the state
of affairs of their governments and like sane and rational men and women should have a pretty
good idea of who are the bandits and who are the robbed. Today many democratically elected
governments are using their tax based revenues for their private enrichment and their global
sectarian goals and ambitions.
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