History – June 4, 1944
By May 1944, Monte Cassino had been taken but the historic monastery was destroyed. When General Mark Clark’s American forces joined up with the Allied force at Anzio, they swiftly moved north. On June 4th, 1944, General Clark's US 5th army entered Rome.
After Mussolini’s treacherous betrayal and abduction on June 25, 1943, the Italian people were
faced with a nation of political chaos and corruption, double dealings, vindictiveness,
cowardice, and a three year history of an incredible, and now proven to be unnecessary, loss of
thousands of Italian lives, destruction of major historic Italian Cities and ancient religious
institutions by the invading Allied land and air forces. The near total bombing destruction of the
fourteen hundred year old Benedictine Abbey at Monte Casino is a classic example of their
policy of retribution being inflicted on a defeated nation.
The Monastery was built by St. Benedict as the mother house of the new Benedictine Order in 524.
On 12th February the exhausted US Army at Cassino were replaced by the New Zealand Corps. Alexander now decided to use these fresh troops in another attempt to capture Cassino. General Bernard Freyberg, who was in charge of the infantry attack, asked for the monastery be bombed. Despite claims by troops on the front-line that no fire had come from the monastery, General Harold Alexander agreed and it was destroyed by the United States Air Force on 15th February, 1944.
On the surface all things have been rebuilt and restored in Italy today thanks to the nation’s
industrious and very talented engineers, builders and artists, but lying deep in the collective
subconscious psyche of the Nation the infectious scars of the national sins of this period of post-
Mussolini politics remains. The victorious internationalists, with their carpetbag array
of political, economic, social and political treaties and agreements, have taken possession of the nation’s soul.
With more than 2,500,000 American military personnel serving across the planet and military bases spread across each continent, it's time to face up to the fact that American democracy has spawned a global military Empire. There are over 100 military bases in Italy alone!
When will the American Military leave Italy?
A nation defeated in war must, by political and military requirements, relinquish its constitutional sovereignty to non-Italian authorities and can only regain its constitution by becoming a sovereign people and nation once again. Another Italian Renaissance is needed
At the beginning of the fifteenth century, Italy assumed cultural leadership of the whole Western world and held that position for the next 200 years.
Another Renaissance began on October 29, 1922 and led the nation and the world in entirely new concepts of national social programs of labour, health care, education, retirement, family bonuses, financial and economic laws and applied transportation and communication sciences. This embryonic promise of the birth of a new Italian nation all came to a tragic end on July 25, 1943 when it was was fatally aborted by Anglo-American and Communist war governments and their Italian agents and counterparts.
Today the only way not to live in fear of revolution is to think that we are
now in the full swing of one. I am not afraid of the word. I am a revolutionary
and a reactionary. I am afraid of the revolution which destroys and does not
create. I fear going to extremes, the policy of madness, at the bottom of which
may lie the destruction of our fragile mechanical civilization, robbed of its moral
basis, and the coming of a terrible race of dominators who would reintroduce
discipline into the world and reestablish the necessary hierarchies with the
cracking of whips and machine guns.
Benito Mussolini, Milano 1919
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