When speaking with Italians today in Italy it soon becomes apparent that the average Italian only
knows little more than what the rest of the world knows about the life and career of Benito
Mussolini. Both only know what the world wants them to know. In Italy’s public places there are
no testimonial monuments to be seen as there are for famous Roman-Italian men of past centuries.
Nothing speaks to the glorious past of twenty-three years of Fascist National Government and the
Grand National Dream of their former Prime Minister — Il Duce. Successive governments of all
stripes have successfully suppressed all manifestations of the important historical memories of Benito Mussolini.
In the small hamlet of Giulino di Mezzegra, at the entrance gate wall of the Villa Belmonte, a visitor will see the only marker remembering Benito Mussolini — a small black metal cross inscribed Benito Mussolini 28 Aprile 1945. This cross marks the spot where Mussolini and Claretta Petacci were murdered by an assassin’s bullets. This marker has all the style and materials known to a local craftsman, This is not an official National Memorial but still, in its simplicity gives great credit to the faith and decency of the people of the Mezzegra area and more specifically to the owners and inhabitants of the beautiful Villa Belmonte — after all they live
there — it is a private residence. They are to be applauded.
Rome and Italy in concert have produced a race of intellectual giants over the past three thousand years and holds a well deserved global reputation as such. In its public and private places modern Italy pays respect to these great men of the Humanities, the Sciences and the Arts. Today Italy steadfastly refuses to recognize the intellectual genius of Benito Mussolini who’s political,economic and social concepts remain unique and unmatched in the annals of world governments.Fascism is Italian to the core of its essence.
Italy and the Italian people are much the same as those of other nations and other people that have been slowly but surely formed as Franchise Nations taking on the image and the cultural of those who found total victory in Italy in 1945.
In Rome any Guide Book will provide the traveler with an entry known as the English War Cemetery which is located close to the Pyramid of Caius Cestius, and lies beneath the ancient Aurelian Wall. A peaceful, well manicured green grassed cemetery yard with rows and rows of white wooden crosses marking the 429 burial sites of English soldiers who died while fighting in Italy. A grand Cupola Entrance space greets the visitor. In the frieze above the visitor will find engraved in English and Latin words:
The existence of these ubiquitous war memorials dot the landscape of every city and town in most
parts of the world where soldiers have died and are now buried. An annual homage is paid to the
heroism and valor of these fallen warriors, who are in reality mere victims of war, by political
wreath laying, legion parades, civic ceremonies and endless emotional survivor speeches.
If these dead soldiers could speak to the nation and to those gathered at these war memorials, it
would not put an end to wars, there is too much appetite and planning for that end, but it would
allow them to vent their anger and rage so as to refresh the minds of the living to the utter folly
of these wars and destroy forever the inane purposes of these ceremonies with their faux pomp
and national ceremonies. Only they know the truth of war and the savagery of sudden death on a
battle field of war.
What is relatively unknown and not properly understood today is the fact that if a new war breaks
out in the world the safest place to be may be in the military. All newly developed weapons are
designed to eliminate as quickly as possible, large numbers of civilians living in the major capital
cities of the world. At the moment the United States of America has a unseen fleet of Trident Class
submarines each carrying atomic payloads of two dozen intercontinental ballistic missiles
roaming the oceans of the world daily on a twenty-four hour basis. In the air they have a unknown
number of Strategic Air Command aircraft bombers patrolling the skies of the world daily, again
with a deadly payload of atomic weapons of mass destruction on board. The enormous
unpublished national cost of these programs employs a major portion of the nation’s military
budget. As both of these military delivery modes are invisible to the average person’s naked eye
little notion is taken, said or asked by the citizens of the world or their governments. Only their
odious telltale vapor trails are seen scratching the morning and evening skies. If the USA
government has the approval and sanctions of the world’s international atomic regulatory bodies
for these military expeditions is not known. It is likely that these hegemonic international flights
and the underwater expeditions will continue as they have for the last fifty years.
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