Not so well known is the story of Roosevelt’s enormous responsibility for the outbreak of the
Second World War itself. This essay focuses on Roosevelt’s secret campaign to provoke war in
Europe prior to the outbreak of hostilities in September 1939. He bears a grave responsibility
before history for the outbreak of the most destructive war of all time.
Institute for Historical Review
The Secret Polish Documents
Mark Weber
Ezra Pound
In 1939 he made a trip to Washington, D.C., where he spoke with members of Congress about
his economic policies and about his fear that Roosevelt, the bankers, and the armaments
industry were leading America into another war. He began regular broadcasting his ideas over
Rome Radio, in a program aimed at the English-speaking world. Mixing reflections on
literature with tirades against Roosevelt, usury, and international finance.
(The Heath Anthology of American Literature)
Houghton Mifflin
Ezra Pound 1885-1972
Gore Vidal
Vidal points out something that has been long known to us, but never before admitted, namely
that President Roosevelt deliberately provoked the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor.” They
deliberately cut off Japan’s oil supplies, then refused to sell them scrap metal, and so on. So
they attacked. The attack on Pearl Harbor was worth more to Roosevelt than several
divisions…. We still have not been told the reason why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor! Roosevelt
provoked the attack, but the national mythology requires him to be a saint, so nothing is said
about it. The press and the media are owned and controlled by our ‘corporate masters‘ They
control all the flow of information, so that the great majority of Americans do not know what is
going on
The Decline and fall of the American Empire
BBC interview with Gore Vidal with Andrew Marr
Written by Alan Woods
1 comment:
The truth is coming out. Too bad I will be dead before it is completely known. If ever
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